Leadership Program
For Young Leaders Of Tomorrow
This program will develop the young leaders of tomorrow by teaching them how to apply principles essential to success within the world of sport to their everyday lives.
By enhancing the athletes knowledge of the characteristics and qualities that great leaders possess, we will not only create peer role models within our club and broader community, but well-rounded student-athletes we expect to be highly sought after by the colleges and businesses they hope to one day call home.
Our mission as always is to Maximize Potential.
The in person program will use a wide range of delivery modes to keep sessions interactive, engaging and fun whilst giving the athletes the opportunity to work together in groups, experience role play and relate videos and success from other sports to their own environment.
Benefits of joining Celta’s 2024 Leadership Program (upon completion)
- Foundations of Coaching Course
- Assistant Coach Responsibilities Pretravel, U8
- Leadership roles within the Celta Fundraising Initiatives
- Opportunities to hear and interact from some of today’s top leaders in sport
- Increased understanding and awareness of the qualities that all great leaders possess
How It Works
- 6 x 1hr Sessions In Person
- Guest speakers, interactive sessions, video, team environment tasks
- Location: Celta Office
- 16 spots available
- Girls and Boys 2009 – 2005
- Cost per player $100
- Application Required for selection
- All sessions delivered by Celta Technical Directors & Staff